Thursday, August 23, 2012

I wrote that post below and then proceded to drink my face off and fall down a flight of stairs and puke on myself while sitting on a sidewalk, blacking out the entire way home and then again in the bathroom with the door locked and then to top it all off puke again in the bed and then come morning really remember none of this and re-live it through others explanations of my shame and confusion.

I'll probably regret putting that on the internet but also? dont care?
the question marks are meant to confuse you.

what. else.

I'm using this new note app and it lets you either type out the note or just say it and it types it for you or you can take a picture or link a web page and probably even more then that but I'm still sort of new. its called evernote. oh you can also have an online version that syncs with your phone version.
try it. you'll like it.

my latest note:

Did the sun really get stronger or are people just more vain?

good. job.

actually! haha I have no job!! oh right THATS what I came on here to talk about. haaaaa lyfe.

yes so for the first time in like forever (at least 15, which holy fuck was 10 years ago) I am contently unemployed. seems pretty weird for me.

seems like I should have less guilt. I feel incredibly anxious about not working and having an income for the next 8 months. I actually think I really need this though. I need to learn to relax. To slow down and calm down.

and realistically school isn't going to be the most relaxing thing, its just a different channel.

alright enough out of me, I'm going to enjoy the sunshine!


Holly Knitlightly said...

bahaaha i love the beginning of this post.

i think i've had "download evernote" on a list of things to do for a long time, but i still haven't got around to downloading it... haha.

good luck with school!! don't feel so guilty.

miss teacups said...

I love you.

Lets do this tomorrow, haha.

mel said...

Your head is racing even faster than mine lately. I'm debating a career change, applying for jobs and wondering about going back to school - but what to take? hmm.
Too bad I get pukey before even getting drunk, lol...

Unknown said...

From one workaholic perfectionist to the other.....unemployment vs. worthlessness. Look into it? Like do you sometimes feel, literally, worth less because of no job? or ambivalent. Iknow, i know, comment binge 2012 you love it.

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