Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the internet is not just for porn

There are many things i have done in my life, and there are many things that i haven't. One of the things that i have never participated in is self harm. it hurts me entirely when i project myself into another person whose life is so dark that self harm is seen as an option. where they escape to.

so please, lets use the internet as a tool for helping, for changing and for education. just for 10 minutes. please. go to mommy is moody and read her story. i do, everyday. you may find yourself doing the same, its touching on a level i didn't know the internet could reach. and if your so inclined, click on the buttons button on the right side of this page to learn more about a great cause. feel free to steal it for your own space on the internet.

1 comment:

Zoeyjane said...

Thank you!

(your captcha is currently 'fituphe' - it seems to be missing a letter. heh.)

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