Tuesday, April 14, 2009

high of nine with variable cloudiness

its funny how i had three months where i had no job, no time to get up, no constrictions on my schedule and now after four days straight of working i'm SO THANKFUL to have to beautiful day off to enjoy being outside and just lazing around. 

don't worry, i'm not actually bitching about working. yet.  

we have been visiting family a lot in the past few days. i guess because of easter? maybe because we haven't gone grocery shopping in a while. last night we went to visit my dad and my step mom for my dads birthday. my grandma was there and i was reminded just how much i love her to bits. the first thing jay says to me as we get into the car is, 'your grandma really gives me a run for my money on baseball knowledge' haha. she is serious. the night before that we went to my moms for easter dinner and to see my nana. and today we are going to visit one of jays aunts, somewhere north of toronto.

tomorrow the plan is to pack a picnic lunch and make our way over to the cottage to put in our time raking the massive yard and cleaning it up for spring. i miss that place so much. being so close this summer to the cottage will be awesome. summer summer tanning summer thats all i can think of right now ahhhhhh its so close!!!

1 comment:

miss teacups said...

& being so close to meeeeee.
come visit!!!

i have to take you to this one patio in peterborough one nice summer day that we both have off. we will just sit and drink beer and chat all day; it's the best!

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