Wednesday, September 2, 2009

it's only right that you should play the way you feel it

everything in my life right now is in full swing. the moments i have been planning for forever are now.
we move in less then a week. i am finished my job in less then a week. we start over in less then a week.

i'm so incredibly excited.

today we are going through all of our belongings and downsizing. decluttering. i love that feeling. looking at a pile of things you used to love, that no longer has any meaning....and passing it on to someone else who will experience the same thrill of the find. i find it so liberating to live smaller, get rid of excess and live in the moment.

i love to improvise, find a solution to any problem, so having less is a challenge i welcome. one pot to cook dinner in, drinking wine out of mugs, wearing a hair band as a bracelet. making everything i have do double even triple duty.

i have a lot of ideas just spinning around in my head. calendars, cards, envelopes, candle holders. all fighting to become more then a thought. i'm thinking of christmas gifts already.

i can't wait to get to the city and get it started.

all images from here.

1 comment:

miss teacups said...

i am oh-so jealous of your life right now. moving to toronto and starting over...that is EXACTLY what i want out of life at this moment.

ho hum...eventually.

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